Babylon is Her Name

The mouth of the Universe opens to feed.

Ancient Deities gather to nourish the Heavens.

Cosmic energy spews from the cracks between the Planets.

Thunder announces the coming of new Gods.

Lightening flames the engines of war.

Lust replaces strength.

Lust is the joy of strength exercised.

Lust is the rapture of vigor.

Love one another with blazing Hearts.

The House of the Rising Sun shines light before their eyes.

Tears of the Stars rain hard upon my naked body.

Incarnation gives way to the Legends of Love.

Romulus and Remus were twins.

They were suckled by a she-wolf.

They were born from a Virgin.

A six-tusk elephant fathered Buddha.

What is the legend of the Woman and the Lion?

Is she more than a little Drunk?

Or is she more than a little Mad?

Feminine energy is conceived in the primitive creative order.

Bloodless images of Saints travel the countryside unrecognized.

Worship the prince-priest Jackal of the Underworld.

He is a prophet of the common man.

His words ferment under the influence of Tyranny and Greed.

Serpents hope to destroy and recreate the World.

All power is given to the Scarlet Woman.

She stands alone between the Pillars of Hercules.

The veil of Nature obscures her fragile Soul.

She is no Prostitute.

Babylon is her name.


Kevin S. “Kiki” Merigian© 11 June 2010